Every Person I have met who has gone vegetarianism says its best decision they have ever made.

Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals will never achieve compassionate life.
People eat meat and think they will become strong as an ox, forgetting that the ox eats grass.
Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances of survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
Animals are good but not for food.
AHIMSA – Non-Injury, abstinence from causing any pain or harm whatsoever to any living creature, non-injury requires a harmless mind, mouth, and hand.
It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.
To get Mud off your hands, use soap and water. To get blood off your hands lets go vegetarian.
Eating Meat extinguishes the great seed of Compassion – Supreme Buddha.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. – Mahatma Gandhi


We are a social organisation aim to educate people about the benefits of being vegetarian and its health benefits along with Compassion towards animals.

A well-planned vegetarian diet can meet nutritional needs during all stages of life.

We strongly believe that Kindness and compassion towards all living things is a mark of a civilized society. Conversely, cruelty, whether it is directed against human beings or against animals, is not the exclusive province of any one culture or community of people.

So lets Enjoy the diverse, colorful, and delicious world of vegetarian cuisine and bring more compassion in our life.

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Healthy Living & Kind Choices:
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Why Compassion is Essential for Human Survival

In this trying spring our compassion for one another, taking care of, supporting, helping and loving each other is flourishing. Love and endearment for our animal companions are front and center as well

Compassion for animals, no less important than caring for one another, is one of the essential traits that defines and anchors our humanity. Our survival as a species depends on empathy for animals as well.

Be The Part of Change

Change begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Coming Together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress. Working Together is Success. Simply Stated, it is less me and more we, and we need you for sure.


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Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty

-Albert Einstein

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Book your free session with us to learn more about how to turn yourself in to vegetarian and bring more compassion into your life.

Good for the Health

A vegetarian diet has been shown to help boost your heart health in a number of different ways along with providing many health benefits, such as a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including:

  1. Lower blood pressure
  2. Reduce the risk of heart disease
  3. Lower cholesterol
  4. Prevent Cancer

A vegetarian diet may offer these heart-healthy benefits due to foods that are higher in fiber and unsaturated fats.
Both of these nutrients help manage the body’s cholesterol. Plus, a vegetarian diet has lower levels of saturated fats, total fats, and cholesterol in the diet compared to meat-based diets

A vegetarian diet may also help you avoid Type 2 diabetes as you age. In studies, sticking to a vegetarian diet was associated with a 35% to 53% lower risk of developing diabetes.

Plant-based foods can help keep your brain healthy. Studies have shown that consuming more plant-based foods could be linked to lower rates of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and cognitive impairments.

Good for the Environment

How will you find peace if you don’t treat the Earth (which sustains all of our needs) with the respect she deserves? Many leading environmental organizations, including the National Audubon Society, the WorldWatch Institute, the Sierra Club, and the Union of Concerned Scientists, have recognized that raising animals for food damages the environment more than just about anything else that we do.
Whether it’s unchecked air or water pollution, soil erosion, or the overuse of resources, raising animals for food is wreaking havoc on the Earth.

Good for the Innocent Animals

Every year in the United States, approximately ten billion animals are raised and slaughtered for human consumption. Given the suffering, these animals endure, and that all our nutritional needs can easily be satisfied without eating these animals, vegetarianism requires consideration.
The fact is that eating animals is unnecessary because nature has provided ample vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes and dairy products for human sustenance. Therefore, the slaughter of animals for food is a luxury rather than a necessity and is morally wrong.
We submit for your consideration that a vegetarian lifestyle awakens our spirit of compassion and guides us towards a kinder, gentler society in which we exercise a moral choice to protect animals—not exploit them

While true “peace on earth” may be a pretty tall order, we can easily bring peace and compassion into our own lives and the lives of those around us. why not be good to yourself, be good to the environment, and be good to the innocent animals?

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